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Ambassador Spotlight: Sara Pike

June 4, 2024

Tell us your story about becoming a Boulder Chamber Ambassador and what it means to you. 

I became a Chamber Ambassador after a year of attending Chamber events as a member through BMoCA. As someone who moved to Boulder during the peak of the pandemic, I had a hard time making connections and getting to know the community at large. While I started attending Chamber events to practice networking for professional reasons, I quickly found the personal benefit of getting to know folks in other industries and learning more about all the events, programs, and good work happening around town. As a proud introvert who only recently became comfortable networking, I decided to become a Chamber Ambassador to further challenge myself to be outgoing and pay forward the kindness that other Ambassadors showed to me when I was new to the community.  

How has becoming an ambassador impacted your business or network growth and community presence? 

I have also established several relationships that I believe can become long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships. Being a Chamber Ambassador has also helped me grow into my role as a Development & Membership Associate at BMoCA, as I've been able to put faces to names, promote future BMoCA events, and gain valuable feedback on the BMoCA expansion plan from our business community.  

As a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? 

An artist! 

What is your favorite part about your work and why? 

The arts are an essential part of any thriving community, and I firmly believe in the healing powers of art-making and creative experiences. I am proud that my role at BMoCA supports paid opportunities for artists to show their work and increased access to arts education programs for people throughout the region.  

What fellow member product, service, or location do you utilize the most often? Please explain! 

Eco-cycle! I love that I can visit their CHARM center to responsibly dispose of my hard-to-recycle items and the abundance of eco-centered resources they offer to the community. 

