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Member Relations


Why Join?

We are your dedicated partner in helping Boulder’s economy, our community and your business thrive.


Member Benefits

We are your dedicated partner in helping Boulder’s economy, our community and your business thrive.

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401K Program

SB 20-200 requires businesses with 5+ employees to offer a qualified retirement plan. We have a solution!

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Referral Program

To show our thanks, when a new member joins from your referral, you will receive a number of rewards.

What We Do

The Boulder Chamber’s mission is to build a strong community by supporting local for-profit and non-profit businesses, advocating for a strong business environment, and sustaining economic vitality. Membership to the Boulder Chamber allows your company to support the Boulder business community while tapping into resources through Member Services, Economic Vitality and Advocacy. Together, we build community through business.

If you have any questions about your Boulder Chamber membership, please contact our team at 303-938-2065.

Contact Us

Scott Firle
Scott Firle

Scott Firle
Associate Vice President of Investor Strategy

Cate Cook
Member Relations Manager

Lindsey Sharp
Member Development Partner